It's heating up. I'm talking tank tops and flip flops, people.
So humid - you could cut the air with scissors.
The other day we had a flash thunderstorm (aka code Amber). Amber Rain is hard. Red Rain means school closes for students and in Black Rain everything closes. We were gaping out the sliding glass door when we noticed these little bugs ("May flies" my kindergartners tell me) landing on the porch. Looking up, we saw hundreds of them! All flying in that thunderous rain. It was surreal.
I'm Thinking About
Mothering. Kids. How they grow up too quickly. How I love them so. How I want to do right by them.
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Mother's Day |
Ainsley created a Restaurant in the house for Mother's Day.
It was really wonderful. Honestly impressed, flattered, and pampered.
I Don't Want To Forget
That I live in Hong Kong. It's so easy to get caught up in the regular demands of life that exist no matter where you live.
I'm Learning
Cantonese. Still.
I'm Hearing
Whispering at a performance of Peter Pan tonight:
ABear: "Mom, he's [capt'n Hook] being pessimistic."
Me: "You know that word?"
ABear: "It's the opposite of optimistic. It's not so good."
Bunny: "No" - we have hit this loveliest of all toddler stages.
Middle Kingdom Ride - A motorcyle journey circumnavigating China. A great adventure - and I've met the author (years ago) as he used to be housemates with Jasper's best friend in Shanghai (also featured in the book).
Boys In The Boat - fantastic! Go Dawgs!! Proud to be from PNW. [just finished]
Around The House
Have I told you how SMALL our flat is? I mean, it's tiny. 900ish square feet with 3 adults and 2 kids. Walls and floors without insulation of any sort (noisy). Privacy becomes an issue. Not only does having AppleTV eliminate some layers of privacy (any photo on your phone gets instantaneously linked to the photo scroll on the TV monitor for the kids and everyone to see). Our flat also boasts bathroom doors with open slats along the bottom - why are these there? I have no idea. But it sure does mean the bathroom is no longer a sanctuary of sanity.
At Work
School is wrapping up for the year. Report cards, placement meetings, ordering, assessing, organizing, parties, good-byes, etc. Don't think we aren't having our bit of fun too -
This hidden gem...
Happy Birthday, Holly!
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photo by Erika |
... is in a random building in a funky part of town. The paint is peeling and you feel like you're in a dingy food court without a shopping mall. ABC Kitchen - boasts wonderful food minus the pretense of most restaurants in HK. The prices are excellent and the ambience chill.
*the nightcap at a nearby corner bar was great too: stout beer, vanilla ice cream and spicy chili.
So Very Hong Kong
I apologize to everyone I will get to see this summer for my inevitable "Honkyizms". If I blurt "Hallo!" to get your attention or that of the grocer, don't think I'm rude. That's just the way people here say "Excuse me".
If I use two hands to pay with my credit card, I'm not being formal - I've just gone hongkong. Always two hands when handling money. Respect the buck.
Walking with your eyes on the ground lest you step in something sticky and brown.
Going out till midnight and not realizing it's that late (truly a city that doesn't sleep).
One Of My Favorite Things
The sounds of many languages in my ears almost daily. Mandarin, Cantonese, Tagalog, other Philippine dialects, French, and accents in English from New Zealand, Australia, England....
A Less Than Favorite Thing
The lack of good sharp cheddar. It's becoming a problem.
The spell check wanting me to spell like a Brit.
For my kindergarten teaching colleagues. For teaching me how to collaborate, how to be a team player, and how to be loving and embracing of each other. How to lead and when to follow.
I'm Planning
To re-arrange things in the house.
A trip to Hoi An, Vietnam. (yipeee!)
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hanging out at home |
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stanley |
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stanley |
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stanley |
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causeway bay |