Thursday, December 29, 2016


Outside My Window
Glorious weather. Blue skies. Sometimes windy. Temps 60-75*F.

I'm Thinking About
Letting the tide roll in. It's rest time!

I Don't Want To Forget 
My 8 year old asking for snuggles - on these rare occasions, I wonder "is this the last time she asks?" and I cherish the snuggles I get.

My 4 year old's absolute delight in all things princess.

The views in Hong Kong.

I'm Learning
How to bake these! Two determined tries and lots of down time required.


 Yeast makes it grow! Incredible!!

I'm Hearing
Adele being sung by my girls. Often. But at this very moment, all is still and quiet (nap time!)

look who got new glasses!
I'm Reading
Making Thinking Visible - by Ron Ritchhart, Karin Morrison & Mark Church. 
Powerful thinking routines and tips for how to develop a culture of thinking in the classroom - with a hefty influence from Reggio and the amazing work at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Around The House
Massive re-organization and de-clutter projects going on. A friend of mine once explained that Boxing Day for them meant boxing up gently used toys and books to donate to those in need. A satisfying thing to do when making room for new Christmas presents around the house (especially a tiny Hong Kong flat!). 

purposeful mess??

At Work
No work for three whole weeks, baby! :)

before holidays - watching Dad coach JV basketball at school (headphones to soften the noise)

hangin' with friends in Stanley

on the MTR - not ones to sit quietly for the ride....

50th anniversary at my school, HKIS. We made this human-logo. So cool. And celebrated with lion dances.

Eating Out (confession - I'm never in the kitchen anymore)
New tradition - eat at a restaurant after Christmas Eve Service. I'm liking this new plan SO MUCH!

This photo NOT from Christmas Eve - rather another night out for Dim Sum & chicken soup dumplings!!

So Very Hong Kong
Holiday Lights. The lights here go up the day after Halloween (no American Thanksgiving buffer, you know) and stay up through Chinese New Year. That's like 3 months, people.




peaceful night with our half-lit tree...
ran out of lights - and couldn't find the same kind anywhere!!

One Of My Favorite Things
Half N Half. And I haven't had a DROP of it since moving to Hong Kong. (sigh) - until today. Thank you, sister for sending me the PeRFECT holiday gift!!!

A Less-Than Favorite Thing
the strange disappearance of ATM machines for my bank. One by one they seem to be taking them away! :( At this point, I either have to head into the city or get charged an arm to use another bank's machine nearer to my home.

I'm Thankful
for sleep. and play. and friends. and family. (photos from American Thanksgiving with friends)

At thanksgiving dinner - someone discovered the MICROPHONE and pretty much didn't let go.

I'm Planning
A trip to Phuket, Thailand with the in-laws in about a month!!!

Picture & Video Thoughts :: 
from a preschool holiday performance...

i've been spotted... :)

see her giving me a *WINK*

practice (Chinese "Santa Claus is Coming to Town")

HK DisneyLand

We love this Magical Place!

Two years in a row - we have gone to Hong Kong Disney for a night the week before Christmas. We could do it in a day (one hour door to door via public transit)... but it's much more fun to stay a night at the Disney hotel and do a two-day package. What luck to live in a city where Disney is. Staycation at its best.

Addie survived two consecutive days without a nap - epic for her (and v much recouped the following days!). Ains was the executive planner, more or less. A few things to know about HK Disney if you go with your fam:
- the food is generally terrible.
- the princesses are awesome.
- there are hardly any lines before 11:00a.m. Go early. It's worth it.
- crowds multiply after 3:00 p.m.
- the afternoon parade is a must.
- buffet at Hollywood Hotel is fantastic.
- you can store your luggage at Disney entrance for $100 hkd per bag.

Princesses galore! And oh, how they doted on our own...

"mini me"?? (Her greatest wish is to grow up and turn into Elsa.)


Hong Kong represents in Small World...

Favorites: Dumbo, Slinky Dog, Winnie The Pooh...

yep, we are the loud Americans... 

Daddy's favorite: River ride

This time (first ever) we discovered another advantage of getting to Disney early - and letting your preschooler wear her coveted princess dress... Addie was given special VIP status. An exclusive entry pass for pink-seats front-row for the parade. And then a special moment IN the parade. I think she liked it. 

special attention from her new BFF :) hahahaha! They had a little conversation here in the parade - it was priceless!

she's checking her ID card to see whether each of the princesses in the picture are accounted for. seriously.

spot our blondie in the parade? Not shy, this one.

more experiences...

ah - THE CAR - this car... is what Addie wandered off to last year when we lost her in Disney. It was a terrifying moment. One that she remembers - and she talked about as we rode into Disney this time. Boy, was she happy to revisit this car with parents nearby this go-round. 

mystic mansion - similar to the haunted house in LA - but also v different.
First time. Ainsley (8) loved it! 

Tarzan's Treehouse - the "baby in the tree" had Addie entranced here for a very, very long time!

like I said, the food is bad. So might as well do a street-dog.

can't keep this girl from climbing stuff.
 ... and that's a wrap. On the way home in the Disney-Train. Tired and happy.