A hop over to Kowloon side (40 minutes by car) to the Gold Coast for a couple of nights is a great way to enjoy vacation without leaving the city! This place is *made* for families with children. Great food options, excellent pool, splash pad, beach, playroom .... we love it here. This is our second stay and likely we'll go again in the future. Plus, the price is right. ;)
view from our room
the hotel
view from the garden walk
view from the pool
That pool, tho!!!!
night swimming
*YES* 2 water slides !! So much fun!
The splash pad is pretty cool too ....
Have you noticed yet?? It's pretty much empty. While the hotel had plenty of guests, many of them weren't at the pool when we were - and many didn't go to the pool at all! So much space to play!
Here's a basic room. You could also up$ for a theme-decorated one.
and the beach .... lots of shells and sea glass treasures to be found here.
dusk is a slightly less hot option for beach wandering ...
life guard on duty
all the rigs in the distance lighting up for the evening work
There is a really sweet garden walk - with hidden gems like Cinderella's coach - diverging paths - and a playground at the end. I'm sorry to say that we did see a rather LONNNNNG snake slither across the path into the bushes. We were all too shell-shocked and terrified to think about snapping a pic. But the playground is pretty fun at night, when the sun isn't beating down.
Thanks again, Gold Coast! Staycations are fabulous.
A question we ask ourselves much of the summer in Hong Kong. Here, summer means monsoons, typhoons and icky-sticky-hot-days. So off to the Museum we trekked - along with half of the city, it felt like!
Despite the line to get in, we had a wonderful afternoon. 90 minutes well spent - and plenty of science to explore when we go back again as we saw less than half of it.
So much to see and do in the the permanent exhibits alone --- plus there is a special seasonal exhibit for a little extra $$ (which we didn't do this time). Mirrors, optical illusions, magnets, air pressure, logic puzzles, dinosaurs, planes, physics..... the works. Completely interactive and engaging. We had so much fun - I forgot to take pictures for most of our time there!
At appointed times, a GIANT MARBLE ROLL takes action - and what a sight with marble after marble being released into the larger than life maze that fills multiple floors. What fun it must have been to dream that up!
Then - out into the pouring rain to catch the subway to dinner....
they refused umbrellas - hot shower, anyone?
Dim Sum !!!!!! Our favorite dumplings. Great ending to another rainy old day in Honkey Town.