Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How Long Has it Been? - a daybook

Outside My Window
Rain. So much rain! But when the sun comes out..... ah!

around the corner from our house

I'm Thinking About
This blog. It's been so neglected! I don't know if anyone out there is going to read it after such a dry spell. I'm sorry, guys. It's taken every ounce of me to throw myself into living. I haven't taken time to sit down and reflect or share with you. Life with three kiddos is full-on. (And FABULOUS! Never happier!)

I Don't Want To Forget 
"ma-bop?" - Alex's way of saying he wants something
The way he leans in for the snuggle or gazes into my eyes before planting a kiss.

I'm Learning 
meditation - there's an app for that!
and about "chi" - from my acupuncturist (this world is full of so much to learn!)

catching a peaceful moment

I'm Hearing
Gloria Estefan singing 'Conga' as I replay Addie's dance show over and over and over. Having a child who loves what you love -- there is just nothing like it! 

I'm Reading
Becoming - by Michelle Obama (absolutely in love!)

Around The House
I've been picking away at KonMarie'ing areas of my home in short bursts, followed by decidedly chaotic spells of shuffling things into corners. Am also at war with cockroaches. I don't want to talk about it. The girls now share a room - which is bursting at the seams with pre-teen plus kindergarten mayhem. (And a beautiful Jenny Lind bed.) Alex is changing faster than lightning -- out with the exersaucer / in with the play tool-bench! (And he's super helpful...)

like I said - helpful.

At Work
10 days left. TEN. DAYS. Where did this school year go???

Deliciously when I can! Mostly whatever lands on my plate, though, because life is go-go-go these days.

So Very Hong Kong
Took a personal day to chaperone Addie on her field trip to learn about this amazing city we live in.

One Of My Favorite Things
Date nights.
See "eating" above - this is my chance to eat well and enjoy some husband time all to myself!

Nimfa - our Auntie - the woman who makes date nights (and a clean house, and dinner, and sanity in general) possible!

A Less-Than Favorite Thing 
IBS. Super frustrating!

I'm Thankful
for friends. They ground me and lift me up all at the same time.

friends gather on the rooftop

BFF - Atticus - and our Saturday morning ritual

I'm Planning
a trip home for summer. We just went back over Christmas (first time ever!) so this will be pretty awesome to see everyone again after just a few months. Most expats leave for the whole summer - HK empties out - a mass exodus. We're just going for two weeks, but it still feels like a massive brain-shift. Looking forward to seeing family!

from Christmas time in WA State

Picture Thoughts :
my first 5K - with this teacher crew!

a 2nd 5K just a few weeks later!
(That's our head principal -and running coach- on the left in the blue!)