Sunday, September 6, 2015

End of Summer Daybook

Outside My Window
The "Black Kites" (brown hawks) are flying and shrieking. Birds are giving a sound pleasantly familiar and unique to this time of year. The giant spiders are again taking over the treetops (school corridors, sidewalk street signs... etc). Spending LOTS of time at our very own pool. My, but it feels good to cycle through a season-once-seen-in-a-particular-place. Something familiar! Finally! It really does take one year to "move" someplace.

I'm Thinking About
School. All the time. 

I Don't Want To Forget 
ABear - Second Grader - how she looks with those two front teeth missing.
The way her hair drifts and curls in the humid air, the way her strong legs move, how she smirks now that she's that-much-older, watching her get lost in an imaginative play moment. still.

How BunnyCakes smells. How her front lip dips in between her two front teeth. The way she insists on climbing onto the 'big potty' 'all by mysewf'. Her absolute devastation when a screen is taken from her. Her warm, toddler-sized snuggles. There is really nothing like them on this earth.

I'm Learning
uh... well.... about that. It's SO! HARD!

I'm learning how to teach first grade again after 8 years in kindergarten.

I'm learning how to hold my tongue. Trying to, anyhow. ahem. (no comments from siblings or parents.)

I'm Hearing
The A/C hum.

I'm Reading
The Read Aloud Handbook - Jim Trelease
This book is GREAT. Something to keep on the shelf. (Except he keeps making new editions!) Every parent and every teacher should read this. Really.

Quiet - Susan Cain
The life and times of the introvert. I hear nothing but good things - am just getting started on this one.

Thanks to - my reading life has kindled a new fire and I LOVE it! I just found my new (possibly) all-time-favorite book: All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.

Around The House
I can't believe we've been here a year and I'm still trying to figure out where everything goes and how to make this small space our cozy HOME. (!) I know it takes time, but sheesh! 

At Work
New relationships, new curriculum, different developmental age of students, new classroom space with different materials, and contemplating some big ideas. 

Eating Out (confession - I'm never in the kitchen anymore)
We absolutely LOVED finding this small bohemian italian restaurant near Shek-O beach last weekend! The Black Sheep. 

What a great find. Black lights, disco balls, aquariums with fish and turtles built into the walls, a wonderfully wild mix of fabrics and textures, a glitter toilet seat (yes, you read that right), and super tasty food. Met the owner just as we were leaving - a charming older woman with a teeny dog in her arms who lingered to chat with the girls.

photo cred: not mine - pulled from 'openrice' - an online restaurant guide
So Very Hong Kong
A fishy tangy smell coming off the grill.
Afternoons spent indoors because of bad air quality.
This guy:

One Of My Favorite Things
A good cup of coffee. Always.
Dance Class.

A Less-Than Favorite Thing
Making decisions when making one requires that the alternate options become obsolete.

I'm Thankful
For my husband.

I'm Planning
A trip to Bangkok with some mom-friends. My first EVER mom weekend away. Flight and hotel have been booked for months. Too bad circumstances are making this a less than optimal city to go to right now. Hoping that it all works out.

Picture Thoughts (from a day trip to Cheung Chau Island with dear friend Betsy - so glad you came to visit!!!!!)

Another restaurant where you point out your food in the fish tank:
sahweet "high" chair

Lobster :: Cheung Chau Style


  1. Love when you share your sister's list format! (thinking, reading, favorites, etc.) That trip to Bangkok sounds so fun. Hope it works out. The girls are growing up so fast! :)

    1. Thanks - it's a nice format for reflecting, slowing down, and finding beauty in the little things. Sarah got it from Getting soooo excited for Bangkok!

  2. Glad to hear you are getting "settled in" again. I'm sure it's good to be back. Sure was good to see you while home. Looking forward to following your posts this coming year.

    1. So good to see you too!!! Still hoping you guys can swing a visit out here before too long. :)
