Sunday, January 31, 2016

January Daybook

Outside My Window
This winter in Hong Kong (like many places around the world) is crazy.

  • Coldest day recorded in 60 years.
  • Wettest January in 132 years!
  • First ever 'amber rain' to occur in January. (v. heavy rain)

We've had so much rain, cold weather and winter monsoon warnings - which is difficult without central heating. The government even issued a school closure for a COLD DAY. People went in droves to 'hunt frost'. Seriously. Throngs of HongKongers went to the highest peaks to see frost for the first time in their entire lives. frost. They even had to helicopter a bunch of people out who couldn't get down due to the icy conditions. (!)

I'm Thinking About
how old I am. I think it's finally hit me. I'm OLD! When did that happen!?

I Don't Want To Forget 
ABear: The way she says 'pacific' for 'specific'.
Bunny: "Bee-me-awone!" (demanding 'piwacy' in the bathroom these days)

like mother - like daughter (lists!)
I'm Learning
Techniques for conferring in the classroom. Better unit planning and using student work to guide those decisions. Thanks to gurus Maggie Moon, Dan Feigelson and Matt Glover these past weeks at school. And lifting the level of talk in the classroom - thank you, Kristina Kyle!
Look who's on safety patrol!

I'm Hearing
Furby. Need I say more?

I'm Reading
The Signature of All Things - Elizabeth Gilbert
*recently finished The Lake House by Kate Morton - divine!

Reading AND listening.... got to see Diana Krall in concert! And we had a moment!* She played the song I yelled out. :) 

Around The House
Baking whenever we can - partly just to keep warm! :)

a 'people' study -- those are ponytails on top, btw
At Work
So much literacy learning ... Oh - and mealworms. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Eating Out (confession - I'm never in the kitchen anymore)

A new favorite:
       22 Ships

Named for its address, this place is a tapas fusion artistic masterpiece! Quail egg truffle sandwiches. Seriously. So. GOOD!

Have to wait for a table? Follow the monopoly guy painted in the alley to an unmarked bar for some inventive cocktails.
So Very Hong Kong

One Of My Favorite Things

Children's theater - done well.

Going On A Bear Hunt

pre-show snacks

show was inside this bizarre purple cow

A Less-Than Favorite Thing
getting stuck on the MTR for 3 hours (!)

I'm Thankful
for my children

I'm Planning

Picture Thoughts
hiking - on Dragon's Back!

view of our apartment towers


  1. 1. You're not TOO old. ;) 2. I love seeing Addie in those green pants and the candy cane jammies! 3. Let's go on a double date to 22 Ships. I've only been once and there was too much octopus and not enough manchego for me. I need a do-over.

    1. 1. hmm.... notice your emphasis on 'too'
      2. :) Duncan has good taste
      3. yes! and mmmm manchego, yummy
