Saturday, March 19, 2016

Bangkok, Thailand - Take 2

Girls off to Bangkok for a weekend retreat again! A handful of us just simply couldn't wait a whole year to repeat this.

Rejuvenating with girlfriends? Refreshing, invigorating, satisfying and fulfilling. This weekend happened right on the heels of our big move (within 48 hours!) and was well earned. It filled me up so that I have more to bring to each day at school and at home. Time with friends can be so grounding. Feeling lucky to have teacher and mom friends like these.


wires EVERYWHERE in big tangles

coconut ice cream - in a teeny coconut - delish!


making earrings
sooo cute - LOVE this shop!!

American Eagle denim for $2 anyone? Gonna have to dig for it.

Thailand is so close to Hong Kong that we were able to fly in after a full Friday of teaching, freshen up at our favorite hotel, and head out into the night for delicious (late) dinner. Two nights in Bangkok fully spent. Bellies stuffed silly. Feet danced sore. And hearts full.

Hobbit door to our private treehouse loft in Iron Fairies

Going to Bangkok for your own girls' weekend? Some of our favorite spots:
* Soul Food (best food ever. Try the fire-hot cocktail)
* Iron Fairies (magical. like a fairy-tree-fort. live music)
* Maggie Choo's (funky. satirical. live music. performers. 'old china' feel)

Make sure you get some mango sticky rice at the airport for the ride home!

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