Saturday, August 27, 2016

Home for Summer :: part 3

Have I mentioned that our visit home was filled with a smattering of bumps?
- peanuts on the airplane (who knew!?) and panic at not having my Epi
- 2 visits to the urgent care
- kid vomiting
- kid strep throat (try traveling with meds that have to be kept cold!)
- a bee sting (poor Bunny Cakes!)
- 3 cavities
- a cancelled ferry boat
just keepin' it real

Let's start with that last one. The trip home pivoted on a scheduled ferry from Bellingham to Juneau, AK - a 3 night journey. We booked that first and the rest of our vacation fell into place around it.

Then the boat had engine problems and was cancelled. Which we found out on our way to the ferry dock. Fun times. Jasper had just flown in (13 hours) from Hong Kong.

But I get ahead of myself. First - a night in PASCO to visit Auntie Lisa and Uncle Jimmy:

Auntie Lisa showing us around The Reach - her 'baby' and an incredible museum!! Way to go, Auntie Lisa!! You are a mover and a shaker.

Back to FERNDALE, WA to await daddy's arrival:

Lavender Farm!

with Dasha - always magical

Daddy arrived, and our boat got cancelled. Such a disappointment! They say when life gives you lemons... well.. we sure squeezed those lemons and made the best of it. We enjoyed a couple of extra nights with Dasha and Grandpa Jack, playground time, and trips to the lake.

whoops - ball in the tree!

Grandpa - a little high, don't you think? (gah!)

Refreshed, and after weighing our options, we decided to make the 2 hour drive to Seattle and deal with the airport-boogie to fly to Juneau. (next post)