Saturday, December 14, 2019

Another Hong Kong Autumn

Another fall season in HK comes to a close. This, our 6th autumn, feels familiar. The air cools down to a breezy 65-70 degrees F. The humidity all but disappears. The blue sky hangs above you. It's glorious.

And the days slide by so quickly now - with three kids in tow, it's nothing short of crazy. Don't get me wrong - we wouldn't have it any other way. Three is AMAZING. Complete. Full. Rich. Complex and wonderful. I absolutely love it. I'm just saying ... it's BUSY. Plenty busy just living and doing normal things.

Beach Time -
Weekly walks down to Repulse Bay for sand and lattes with our pals Laura & little Atticus. Afternoons at South Bay Beach chomming on french fries and looking for treasure. Taking a small sampan boat to Middle Island for exploring a quieter beach & taking in the views of our neighborhood.

Ains body surfing w/ friends at Shek O in the big waves!

looking back at Repulse Bay & our home

view from our building - the red sunsets in this polluted air are quite breathtaking

Hanging out in Stanley -

So many toddlers to play with!! School housing has its perks -

nothing like a teacher-mom birthday party!!
wishful thinking, bub, it's not yours
 Access to the school on weekends is pretty awesome too -

the kid can motor

look, mom! Just like the big boys!
A field trip in Tai Tam Park -

New friends - always keeping it fresh, HK, with people coming and going every year.

Our Repulse Bay Temple for a change of scenery (but so close to our house!) -

Rides on the "big bus" (pronounced 'beee-bus' by Alex) or "mini-bus" - this toddler loves vehicles!

sometimes Hong Kong is a toddler's dream

It has been a time of unrest in our city. But that is for a different post.

Birthdays -

Oldest one heads to Beijing for a school trip! She hopped a plane, used her passport, and scaled the Great Wall. All without her parents. Hello Middle School. Tether loosened.

Halloween came and went -

Thanksgiving too -

Ains was in the school play!

I ran a 5K for women -

Addie fell in love with gymnastics -

I got my girl time -

friends for life
And we had plenty of downtime too -

helicopter rescue watch

hazard of having big sisters

Someone got his first salon-haircut!

dreamy haircut chair, no?

And soon, Christmas! With trees imported from Oregon at $200 USD and short-sleeve weather, it's a different sort of Christmas for sure. But it's OUR Christmas. Traditions carry on and hold fast so we still get all the xmasy feels. 

He must've thought we were just tossing toys into the tall green thing - because that's what he started to do when he saw us hang ornaments up. 😂

diva. On the night of her Xmas Concert. :)
Feeling so very grateful to the chance to snuggle my littles during our school Christmas sing-a-long on the last day before break. Lucky.

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