Sunday, September 25, 2016

Back To School DAYBOOK

Outside My Window
Perfection. Breezy, sunny, and warm.

I'm Thinking About
Fall. The start of school. Such an energizing time of year!
first day - getting on the school bus in the morning for UPPER PRIMARY - Grade 3
...and first day - arrival home. Looks like a good day. :)
first day - walking to the bus for her new preschool - confident little thing, and yes, that's a tiny tiara on her head. :)
first day jitters - good thing Daddy got to ride too. 
I Don't Want To Forget 
Tonight's climbing moment.
What do you do when the koosh ball gets stuck way high up in the chain-link fence? Get the dads.
What do you do when the dads are epically failing? Just start climbing.
Ains became the neighborhood hero tonight. :)

  *shout out thank you to such a sweet friend for grabbing her phone and filming this!

I'm Learning
how to use my new phone (change is hard!)

I'm Hearing
Nothing. And it's glorious.

I'm Reading
In The Shadow of Man - by Jane Goodall
Why have I waited so long to read this? I LOVE IT. Such a delight. This reawakens my fondness for primates of all kinds - for the fascinating world of animal behavior and human behavior. Indeed, by reading this I feel both my patience and my awe of people swell.

Around The House
not much.

At Work
Settling into the year and really enjoying the energy my kiddos bring.

Eating Out (confession - I'm never in the kitchen anymore)
Tried a new gintoneria - a gin bar - with the girls and found an incredibly mouth watering Indonesian restaurant. This city is an endless labyrinth of tasty discoveries.

So Very Hong Kong
Walked past a woman yesterday wearing a shirt that said, "I was the first beagle on the moon!" in English. She was local. Chances she has NO IDEA what her shirt says? very high. :)

Every single person on the MTR spends their commute looking at their phone.
One Of My Favorite Things
I'm going to a 'private class' this Thursday that I was invited to - with a teacher who is incredibly "flowy" and fabulous. And I'm starting up 4 weeks of teaching modern to interested faculty as part of a 'wellness effort' at school. Nice to be choreographing again. (happy emoticons here)

A Less-Than Favorite Thing
mosquitoes. And the new level of anxiety they bring me.

I'm Thankful
for Nimfa, our live-in nanny.

I'm Planning
to Reggio, Italy in November for an international teacher-study week
and... to Phuket with the in-laws (can you say beach paradise?)

Picture Video Thoughts :: 


  1. Way to go Ains! First it was trees an Papa Jack' it's fences in HK. What's next? Also, loved the vid of the girls in the play area. Boy does that bring back memories of you and your younger sister...

  2. Wow - I've gotta read this now! "I'm Reading In The Shadow of Man - by Jane Goodall" She is simply amazing... Thank you! -- Lonny
